Building on Experience

A trusted vendor for all your voice, data, Wi-Fi, video and other ICT requirements”

A Premium Partner of Alcatel-Lucent since 1993, Intercol has a well-established experience in desigining, deploying and supporting all kinds and sizes of voice, data and wireless solutions, ranging from traditional small voice PBXs to fully converged high-end IP Telephony solutions.

An Enterprise Partner for Lenovo, the No 1 computer manufacturer worldwide, we supply and service their enterprise-grade products, including laptops, desktops and servers to serve your entire organization.

The IT rooms and data center range of scalable solutions from Schneider Electric, which offer an unparalleled total cost of ownership for all physical infrastructures, including UPSs, cooling equipment, racks, security and management systems.

The voice recording solutions from ASC Telecom that can handle both telephone and multimedia calls. Primarily used for call centers and financial institutions, these solutions can be installed in any environment that requires call quality monitoring. We also propose Voxtron software-based call center solutions.

The audio- and video-conferencing range from world-leader Polycom, from the little tripod phone that sits on meeting room tables to network-oriented videoconferencing solutions.

Security is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Barracuda provides security solutions for virtually all ICT aspects: network, content, email, web, cloud and information management systems.

And we understand that, just like us, you have an ever increasing amount of data to analyse and performances to monitor: Minitab is just the solution that does that, providing all the tools you need, and generating customized reports.

Our Contact information:
Intercol, Science & Industry Division, 131 Al Khalifa Avenue
PO Box 584, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Tel: +973 17727177, Fax: +973 17727228
email: or